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Workshop on road safety of the EIT ICT Labs safe mobility activity will be held in the session T3 - Intelligent Vehicle Systems of the ATA-SAE conference "The Convergence of Systems Towards Sustainable Mobility"

Date: November 7th-8th, 2012

Location: Centro Congressi Lingotto (Torino, Italy)  

Conference Scope:  As electronic technology continues to advance at exponential rates, the applications for the mobility industry development seems to be becoming limitless. Electronics within engine and vehicle propulsion systems as well as intelligent transportation technology continues to transform the automobile into a more and more sophisticated piece of electronic hardware and software. It is no longer clear if the automobile is a standalone feature within the landscape of a consumers purchase or if it is an extension of a consumer's electronic toolkit. Megatrends such as urbanization, regulation, embedded vs. the cloud and sustainability are each having a profound effect on the development of electronic technology within vehicle platforms as well. All of this technology is transforming the landscape of the automotive industry. This multi-track Conference will examine items critical to engine, powertrain and intelligent vehicle systems development through high level business keynotes, industry-focused panel discussions and technical presentations with the goal of creating more sustainable systems of vehicle transportation.

Track 3: Intelligent Vehicle systems (IVS)
This Track will address the entire electronic infrastructure that is connecting the HEV, EV and ICE vehicle to its environment. The focus will be on the application of vehicle electronics technology as applied to safety, ITS applications, the mobility internet, power system architectures as well as security issues related to vehicle electronic systems. Lastly, the track will address both system and component level architecture. 

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Co-Funded by the European Union