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On December 3rd the first open EIT ICT Labs workshop on Smart Grid Security - an activity of the Action Line Smart Energy Systems - will be held at the EIT ICT Co-Location Centre Node Berlin.  

SmartGridSec12 is co-sponsored by the Network of Excellence on Engineering Secure Future Internet SW,  NESSoS,

In the Future Smart Grid, components will communicate with each other and will provide operational and non-operational information to users and administrators. This will require the use of global communication networks, like the Internet, and will open the door to conventional hacking and to cyber attacks. Not only will it be necessary to carefully assess the threads and risks, but also to have a consensus on the definition and implementation of measures and mechanisms to cope with them, or to recover from them. The infrastructure, workflows, processes and systems must be protected against unauthorized modification, required information should be accessible in the right place at the right time, the sensitive personally identifiable information related to the consumption of energy, the location of the electric car, but also confidential business information etc must remain secure from unauthorized access.

There is a clear need in Europe to integrate the fragmented research and development efforts in securing the Smart Grid.  This workshop will be a venue to share and consolidate results, plan joint work, and create networks to accomplish these ambitioned goals. 

Click here for more information to SmartGridSec12.

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Co-Funded by the European Union