INTERVIEW: Federico Menna to ANA-MPA: Emotion AI is the next trend after Generative AI
Emotion AI, which detects and interprets human emotional signals, is expected to take over, said Federico Menna, the CEO of European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT Digital), in an interview with the Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA-MPA) ahead of his participation in the 9th Delphi Economic Forum, scheduled to take place on April 10-13, in Delphi.

Emotion AI: Τι είναι η Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη Συναισθημάτων που αναμένεται να κυριαρχήσει στο μέλλον

Emotion AI: Τι είναι η Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη Συναισθημάτων που αναμένεται να κυριαρχήσει στο μέλλον

Φεντερίκο Μένα: Η Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη Συναισθημάτων είναι η επόμενη τάση μετά την Γενετική ΑΙ
EIT Digital's plans to strengthen the Greek startup ecosystem
Τα πλάνα του EIT Digital για την ενίσχυση του ελληνικού startup οικοσυστήματος
Η ενδυνάμωση του ελληνικού οικοσυστήματος των νεοφυών επιχειρήσεων (startups) αποτελεί τον βασικό στόχο για τη φετινή χρονιά του EIT Digital, ενός εκ των σημαντικότερων οργανισμών στην Ευρώπη όσον αφορά στην προώθηση καινοτόμων εταιρειών.

INTERVIEW: Federico Menna, CEO EIT Digital - Greece could become a digital economy innovation leader
The managing director of EIT Digital, Federico Menna, in an interview with the Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA-MPA), said that Greece could emerge as an innovation leader in specific sectors of the digital economy, provided that the right investments are made and Greek startups are sufficiently supported, adding that the so-called “deep technology” is an exciting opportunity for the country, given the strong human talent graduating from Greek universities in the field of engineering.

INTERVIEW: Federico Menna, CEO EIT Digital - Greece could become a digital economy innovation leader
The managing director of EIT Digital, Federico Menna, in an interview with the Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA-MPA), said that Greece could emerge as an innovation leader in specific sectors of the digital economy, provided that the right investments are made and Greek startups are sufficiently supported, adding that the so-called "deep technology" is an exciting opportunity for the country, given the strong human talent graduating from Greek universities in the field of engineering.

Bulgaria has the potential to create the next generation of talent
You are about to open an office in Bulgaria. Can you tell us more about it – in which city you plan to be located, how did you choose Bulgaria as a location?
We open offices where we see that there is interest in our activities. We recently signed an agreement with Romania, now we are going to open an office in Bulgaria. In the country we have definitely chosen Sofia, because here we see interest from the government and the local ecosystem. We are still discussing specific commitments with the government. When we open an office, we usually try to cover all the activities we offer – our innovation program, accelerator and educational program.

Seizing Opportunity In Uncertainty: Europe's Path To Greater Risk-Taking
When you think about risk, you probably want to avoid it. You instinctively try to take precautions against threats. You pay for insurance to reduce the risk of an unexpected event. You most likely hedge against risk. But you also know about successful high-risk, high-reward plays.

EIT Digital says it will be financially independent in 2025
The first batch of EU-funded innovation networks is preparing to cut the apron strings. Here’s how EIT Digital plans to secure its future by becoming a link between industry and the public sector.

Is A Pan-National Ecosystem The Key To Europe’s Tech Startup Challenge?
The U.K. and Europe face similar challenges around the creation of an ecosystem where technology and science startups can thrive. But is the answer more cooperation between nations or a focus on national policies?