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The first ten finalists in the category Smart Energy Systems were selected last week and confirmed their participation for the pitch final on October 31 in Berlin, where their ideas will be evaluated by an expert jury consisting of industry experts, investors, entrepreneurs and business accelerators.

The Finalists are:

  1. Maximilian Schmiedel & team brightup from Germany
  2. Cosmo Di Perna and & team Earth Wind & Sun from Italy
  3. Thomas Walter & team Easy Smart Grid from Germany
  4. Luca Silvestri & team Ecogriddy from Italy
  5. Andrey Bogomolov & team Energizer from Italy
  6. James Pulver & team Housahedron from UK
  7. Ramin L. Mokhtari & team ICE Gateway from Germany
  8. Dr. Eduardo Alonso-Fernandez & team NNGC from UK
  9. Yann Guiomar & team SEREEMA from France
  10. Cristina Moliner & team Spouting with Betta from Italy

The jury members are:

  1. Dr. Heiko Lehmann, Smart Energy Systems Action Line Leader, EIT ICT Labs / R&I Director Energy Telekom Innovation Laboratories
  2. Dr. Ralf Schnell, CEO, Siemens Venture Capital GmbH
  3. Tanja Kufner, Managing Director, Startupbootcamp, Berlin
  4. Dr. Oliver Weinmann, CEO, Vattenfall Europe Innovation GmbH
  5. Bram Spitzer, Business Developer, EIT ICT Labs
  6. Dr. Udo Bub, Node Director, EIT ICT Labs Germany
  7. Dr. Klaus Willnow, Lead Innovation Cooperations, Siemens Energy
  8. Michael Strzyz, Investment Manager, High-Tech Gründerfonds
  9. Dr. Kai Rose, Deputy Node Director, EIT ICT Labs Germany

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