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EIT Digital is proud to announce its support of the FIWARE Acceleration program INCENSe, an initiative activated by Enel and Endesa, two stakeholders in the Smart Energy Systems worldwide arena. INCENSe (INternet Cleantech ENablers Spark) aims to foster innovation and high-tech employment in the European Energy Sector.

By distributing 6,2 million Euro divided into seed fundings of 150,000 Euro INCENSe provides selected clean-tech start-ups with a solid financial boost on top to mentoring and networking. 

  • EIT Digital will support through its Business Development Accelerator network counting on hundreds of profiled start-ups and tens of incubators connected to the ICT Knowledge Innovation Community of the EIT.
  • EIT Digital will support INCENSe during the review of the submissions thanks to the engagement of key experts coming out of its partners network.
  • Eventually, for those companies ready and interested in addressing the European One Market, the EIT Digital Business Development Team will meet them and assess their capability in scaling up outside their domestic market and if positive will coach them on this front.

The cooperation between EIT Digital and Enel and Endesa is one of the key results of the Smart Energy Systems Business Community, which has achieved the goal of engaging some stakeholders of this new and challenging market segment for the ICT players, and stepping from this result aims to enlarge its reach to other key players to be announced in the coming months. 

In September a workshop with Enel and Berlin start-up accelerators will take place at the Berlin Co-Location Centre. 

For applying to INCENSe:

For further information:

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Co-Funded by the European Union