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Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) – the tight integration of computation and physical processes in software-intensive embedded systems connected to globally networked digital services – are considered the next computing revolution and a disruptive technology, opening completely new areas of innovation and novel business platforms, but also posing huge challenges to the design, development, exploitation and evolution of such systems.

In 2012, EIT ICT Labs launches a new action line to address the challenges in the field of cyber-physical systems. The activity 12121 “Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering Challenges and Business Opportunities” aims at integrating EIT ICT Labs' key players in CPS from academia and industry to build up a strong community, and to define the scope and strategy for the new action line in this field.

The goal of the workshop is to gather EIT ICT Labs partners active in the field of cyber-physical systems, to form a common view on the key challenges for CPS in both research and business, to identify main focus topics that need to be addressed in response to these challenges, and to provide a forum where participants have the opportunity to team up with other partners to initiate potential activities for the action line.
Call for Presentations

EIT ICT Labs community members are invited to contribute to the workshop by submitting talks. We specifically call for presentations with a programmatic touch, where participants outline their interests in CPS, their related current activities and on-going projects, personal views on key issues, and motivation for contributing to the action line. Participants are also encouraged to prepare brief presentations on ideas for potential activities for the action line.

In order to compile an interesting workshop program, we would like to ask you to provide a title and brief outline of your talk (an abstract of one paragraph to ½ a page) by sending an email to the address given below, preferably on or before February 15.

It is planned to organise the workshop around contributed talks, breakout sessions focussing on specific CPS topics to discuss and identify related key challenges, and a forum to present ideas for future activities.

The workshop is open to all EIT ICT Labs members; however, for planning purposes registration is required. Please indicate your intention to participate by contacting Holger Pfeifer ( More information about the workshop organisation, including directions and hotel recommendations, will follow. A detailed agenda will be provided once the contributed talks are known.


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Co-Funded by the European Union