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DIPAT joins EIT Digital Accelerator

The online medical service DIPAT enables users to independently create effective medical living wills, deposit them online and update them regularly. The company has now joined the EIT Digital Accelerator to expand internationally.

A living will records a patient’s wishes and provisions for situations in which he or she can no longer communicate them personally. Presently however, more than 90% of all existing living wills in Germany fail their purpose because they are medically too inaccurate, outdated or simply not immediately available for doctors in an emergency (1).

DIPAT solves these problems with a unique automated online interview and document generation process developed by doctors. It empowers everybody to medical self-determination by delivering 24/7 real-time, state of the art professional consultation - for a quality, price and comfort of use only possible by digitalization.

Advantages of DIPAT’s service:

  • Intuitive & comprehensive online interview
  • Automated creation of medically precise living wills and all adjoining documents
  • 24/7 accessibility for medical personnel through online deposition
  • Emergency sticker with retrieval code for the health insurance card (EHR ready)
  • SMS alarm for emergency contacts on retrieval
  • Individual reminders of updates

DIPAT can effectively protect a patient's will. This not only gives users the security of knowing that their personal wishes are being respected, but also relieves relatives of difficult decisions. With its digital service, DIPAT closes a serious supply gap and is a pioneer in the digital creation of medical care documents. In Germany, the company aims to cooperate with statutory and private health insurance funds to reach virtually every citizen. As of 2020 the new German Digital Health Care Law (DVG) is set major advancements in motion.

EIT Digital provides access to international markets

At the same time, DIPAT works on making its services available internationally: By joining the European innovation network EIT Digital, DIPAT is taking a major step towards establishing its online service on the international healthcare market. "With the help of the EIT Digital Accelerator, we will significantly increase our visibility in the European innovation ecosystem," says CEO and physician Dr. Paul Brandenburg. “We are grateful for this opportunity and look very much forward to working with the EIT Digital team". Special focus lies on possible cooperation with international health insurance funds and public health services.

"We are proudly supporting DIPAT's expansion, not only in the German market, but especially in their internationalisation efforts,” says Wolfgang Kniejski, Access to Market Lead at EIT Digital. “People throughout Europe and beyond can benefit from DIPAT's digital living will. At the moment, there are first concrete plans for the market entry in Italy, France and Great Britain."

The EIT Digital Accelerator provides tailor-made growth support for European tech scaleups by helping secure international customers and raise capital. In 2019, the programme was recognized by the intelligence company UBI Global as a World Top Public Business Accelerator in the World Benchmark Study 2019 -2020, and ranked Top 4 Accelerator Brand in the Startup Heatmap Report Europe.

About DIPAT:

DIPAT was founded in 2015 by the emergency physician Dr. Paul Brandenburg in order to provide each patient with a medically effective living will. Since its founding, the company has developed into a leading representative of the eHealth industry in Germany. The DIPAT team consists of physicians, business economists and project managers, computer scientists and frontend developers as well as marketing experts, communication designers and lawyers.

DIPAT's service received numerous awards:

  • Rockstar Award (2017),
  • Vision A Award (2018)
  • We Do Digital Award (2018)
  • Newspaper Publishers Award for Advertisement of the year - Special price (2018)

Since 2019, DIPAT has been working with major statutory health insurance funds and private insurance companies. The company is continuously expanding its national and international partnerships.

For further information:



(1) Deutsches Ärzteblatt (2015): Meaningfulness of living wills in acute situations. Results of a survey of doctors and relatives on intensity therapy wards.

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Co-Funded by the European Union