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Eiratech Robotics
Eiratech CEO, Alexey Tabolkin

Eiratech CEO, Alexey Tabolkin

Eirabot™ robots

Eirabot™ robots

Eiratech Robotics, the developer of smart robotics systems which enhance efficiency in warehouses and distribution centres, joins the EIT Digital Accelerator.

Dublin-based Eiratech Robotics offers complete robotics platform for Distribution Centres and Smart Factories. It enables a fleet of autonomous mobile robots to fulfill e-commerce orders and handle materials on the shop floors.  The extremely flexible automation system eliminates personnel walking and searching time, which might take up to 70% of the time. The robotics solution achieves 99% accuracy while simultaneously increasing picking rate up to 600 items per person/hour.

Eiratech Robotics will be supported within the Digital Industry Action Line of EIT Digital throughout 2019. “After achieving initial traction and transitioning into a commercial company, we learned that crossing the growth chasm is a challenging endeavour,” explains the company’s CEO Alexey Tabolkin. “Partnering with the EIT Digital Accelerator, who has helped many European scaleups to grow internationally, allows us to take our business to the next level by leveraging its readily available access to international markets and finance.” The company’s target markets include E-commerce and omnichannel retailers, and 3PL companies in high labour cost markets such as DACH, Benelux, UKI and Nordics.

High-performance, flexibility and safety

Eirasystem doesn’t require heavy infrastructure and can be quickly installed, moved or extended. The system’s hardware components consist of Eirabot™ robots, picking stations as well as shuttle racks. These are all managed by the Eirasoft™ fleet management software, which easily integrates with the existing warehouse management systems.

Its high-performance system reduces reliance on human-factor and manual labor by the factor of 4-6. 

Wide range of safety, efficiency and convenience features are developed by a trusted EU-rooted engineering team and implemented using software alone. Thanks to the open API, Eirasystem easily integrates with existing Warehouse Management and Manufacturing Execution Systems.

About Eiratech Robotics

Founded in 2014 in Dublin, Eiratech Robotics develops people friendly robotic systems that combine hardware and software using the latest technology and intelligence into complete solutions. The company operates projects across Ireland, Spain, UK and US in for the major apparel, automotive, industrial and direct-to-consumer companies. 

For further information

For further inquiries about Eiratech Robotics please contact:


EIT Digital Accelerator provides tailor-made growth support for European tech scaleups by helping secure international customers and raise capital. The Accelerator team comprises around 30 experienced business developers and finance experts operating from 15 cities across Europe, along with a hub in Silicon Valley. Since 2012, they have supported 300 startups who raised over €450 million in investment, with more than €100 million directly facilitated by the Accelerator. The programme was ranked 8th among the Top 20 Active Accelerators in the Global Accelerator Report 2016 by Gust.

Interested to learn more about the growth services of the EIT Digital Accelerator? Get in touch!

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Co-Funded by the European Union