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EIT Digital Data Science Master Welcome Day
EIT Digital Data Science Master Welcome Day

The EIT Digital Data Science Master Program started officially with a Welcome Day Event held at the Madrid Co-Location Centre.

The event was attended by the 21 international students enrolled in the Data Science Master for this year, the faculty, APG management, and representatives from some of the EIT Digital corporate partners participating in the Masters, such as Telefónica and Indra.

The event marks the first activities of a program of the EIT Digital Master School in Spain, which is being carried out by UPM in collaboration with the Madrid Co-Location Centre.

The event included presentations by Prof. Manuel Hermenegildo (APG Director), Prof. Manuel Carro (CLC Manager), Prof. Gonzalo León (I&E Coordinator), Prof. Víctor Robles (UPM CS School Director), and Marta Patiño (local DS Master Coordinator), as well as some of the faculty members involved in I&E training, and the corporate partners. The different presentations served as an introduction for the students to the new Data Science Master Program contents and especially to the innovation and entrepreneurship courses and activities in which they will take part during their first year at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. There was also a round where the students introduced themselves stating their background, interests, and objectives, as well as a visit to the CLC facilities, where the I&E lectures of the Master are being given. During this visit, Coowry, one of the startups hosted at the CLC, performed a live demonstration of their mobile phone-based airtime transfer solution to small payments, which drew considerable interest and many questions from the students.

More information is available here:  

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