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EIT Digital launches new Embedded Systems MOOC

EIT Digital has launched a new massive open online course (MOOC). The new "Web Connectivity and Security in Embedded Systems" course is the latest in EIT Digital’s growing suite of MOOCs on the Coursera education platform.

The Web Connectivity and Security in Embedded Systems MOOC is the third instalment part of EIT Digital’s course on Hardware and Cyber Physical Systems. It compliments existing MOOCS on Development of Real-Time Systems and Embedded Hardware and Operating Systems.

The latest segment explores several technologies that bring modern devices together to facilitate a network of connected things and making devices internet enabled. The course centers on the problem of web connectivity in cyber-physical systems and on security measures. Each module ends with a graded quiz, and there is a final peer reviewed exam at the end of the MOOC. After completing this course, students will have the basic knowledge and skills for designing network architecture for cyber-physical systems, will be able to define security requirements for their system as well as being able to implement a proper security and privacy technique to protect it.

EIT Digital MOOC programmes are part of the online learning programme of the EIT Digital Academy. The new course is, like all other MOOCS, aimed at bachelors and masters students as part of their on-campus courses, but is also accessible for anyone who likes practical programming and making IoT-applications.

"Our MOOCS are interesting for lifelong learning," says Martijn Klabbers, Online Education Activity Lead at EIT Digital and Project Developer and Manager at Eindhoven University of Technology. "We see a lot of professionals in our MOOCS. For professionals these MOOCS are ideal as a refresher course and for getting an update on the latest developments. MOOCS can also be used to prepare professionals for the online courses in our Professional School which are more practice-oriented."

The new MOOC takes six weeks to complete including about five to seven hours of studying per week. The complete Hardware and Cyber Physical Systems course is equivalent to five European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System points (ECTS) - the standard for comparing the study attainment and performance of students of higher education across the European Union and other collaborating European countries.

Learners can take the course for free or pay 50 Euros to receive a certificate. EIT Digital uses Coursera as the technical delivery platform for its MOOC offering. EIT Digital now has nine MOOCs on this platform and is set to launch more in the following months. Content for EIT Digital MOOCs is provided by EIT Digital’s academic partners.

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