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EIT Digital Madrid Director Manuel Hermenegildo with the team members at South Summit 2015

EIT Digital Madrid Director Manuel Hermenegildo with the team members at South Summit 2015

Bruno Le Dantec during his intervention at the panel "Max Potential: Education as a Catalyst of Talent"

Bruno Le Dantec during his intervention at the panel "Max Potential: Education as a Catalyst of Talent"

Francisco Ibañez opening the session "European Entrepreneurs in Digital Innovation & Education"

Francisco Ibañez opening the session "European Entrepreneurs in Digital Innovation & Education"

Carlos Moure from Kairos, David Moreno from Coowry, and Juan Caballero from IMDEA Software during the panel discussion

Carlos Moure from Kairos, David Moreno from Coowry, and Juan Caballero from IMDEA Software during the panel discussion

EIT Digital, represented by the Madrid team based at our Co-Location Centre, participated in a new edition of the South Summit 2015, which took place in Madrid from the 7th to the 9th of October.

South Summit is an international event that gathers the greatest innovations from Southern Europe & Latin America and connects them to some of the regions' largest customers and investors.

Founded in 2012 under the name of Spain Startup & Investor Summit, South Summit is quickly becoming one of the largest showcases of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in southern Europe and Latin America.

This event plays a key role in bringing together digital start-ups from all over the world, large international accelerators and some of the most important investment funds, venture capitalists and business angels.

EIT Digital first partnered with South Summit in 2014 and this year has again been a key contributor through its organisation and participation in two panel discussions:

"Max Potential: Education as a Catalyst of Talent"

Bruno Le Dantec, EIT Digital's Paris Co-Location Manager and DTC Manager of Sophia-Antipolis, participated in a panel discussion revolving around the topic of Education & Talent, together with colleagues from other European educational institutions. The focus of this session was to highlight the great importance of innovation in education in order to foster new talent that can fill the high demand associated with the technological disruption.

"European Entrepreneurs in Digital Innovation & Education"

Francisco Ibáñez and Jesús Contreras, Business Developers at EIT Digital in Madrid, moderated an interesting discussion on the subject of how to bridge the entrepreneurial and innovation gap between Large Corporates, Universities and Startups.

The speakers were Carlos Moure, founder of Kairós Digital Solutions, David Moreno, CEO at Coowry and Juan Caballero, researcher & entrepreneur at the IMDEA Software Institute.

All three speakers, who are intimately involved with EIT Digital, discussed from different points of view the challenges an entrepreneur has to face when trying to take a project to the market. Carlos centered his discussion on the Innovation challenges faced by corporates in taking their research from lab to market. David talked about on the challenges faced by Entrepreneurs in progressing from the idea to the product. And finally Juan shared his experience on the challenges Universities face on converting students into entrepreneurs.

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