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EIT Digital Annual Report 2015

EIT Digital Annual Report 2015

The EIT Digital Annual Report aims to inform stakeholders about our performance in 2015. The theme of the 2015 Annual Report is “Sustain our Vision” and it demonstrates how after six years of existence, EIT Digital is continuing to drive digital innovation and developing entrepreneurial talent across Europe.

2015 was a year of significant progress, and impact, for EIT Digital. Some of our key achievements included:

  • our partnership now numbers over 130 organisations including 10 new industry partners
  • the launch of 13 new companies and 31 new products to the marketplace
  • a strong portfolio of 38 innovation activities
  • a strong year over year growth in the number of students enrolled in both our Masters and Doctoral schools
  • significant progress in delivery of blended education with the delivery of a MOOC (for the embedded systems Masters programme) and 25 online modules (supporting the innovation and entrepreneurship component of Masters School courses)
  • the launch of our Professional School with delivery of 11 courses and progress towards significant expansion in 2016
  • vibrant activity in our Co-location Centres across digital hotspots in nine European countries, and strong progress in building our Silicon Valley presence
  • the launch of our Regional Innovation Scheme programme, aRISe, linking EIT Digital with six leading Digital Innovation Centres across Europe
  • accelerator support for over 140 coached startups including 80 startups admitted during the year; for the coached companies in 2015, average revenue grew by 94%
  • 13 fundraisings for a total of €22.7 million, part of €39 million in capital raised by 30 EIT Digital Accelerator startups
  • the second year of our Idea Challenge competition with new criteria focused on selecting more mature companies. 2015 saw over 450 entrants leading to 24 winners invited to join the EIT Digital Accelerator.

Bringing together over 130 partners, supporting over 140 startup and scaleup companies, and providing entrepreneurial education for over 800 students and professional learners, EIT Digital is actively promoting European economic growth and enhancing quality of life.

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Co-Funded by the European Union