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Dr. Udo Bub (EIT Digital)

Peter Schaar (EAID)

FLTR: Dr. Rolf Reinem (Siemens), Jovan Golic (EIT Digital), Daniel Finger (moderator), Peter Schaaf (EAID)

FLTR: Bernd Kowalski (BSI), Prof. Claudia Eckart (Fraunhofer)

FLTR: Prof. Sandro Etalle (Uni Eindhoven, Twente), Oliver Winzenried (WiBu Systems), Daniel Finger (moderator)

On October 1st 2015 began the EU advocacy campaign Cyber Security Month that promotes cyber security among citizens and advocates for change in the perception of cyber-threats. Cyber Security has become a topic that concerns all levels of society, no matter if it is private or public, which requires a wider debate about it. Therefore, the EIT Digital Privacy, Security & Trust (PST) Business Community organized the international conference ‘New Directions in Cyber Security’, also on October 1st. Together with international representatives from politics, industry and the start-up world new trends and current developments were discussed. 

Trustful privacy solutions are needed

After the opening words of Dr. Udo Bub, Node Director EIT Digital Germany, two special keynotes and panels drove the debate in the morning. Peter Schaar, Chairman of the European Academy for Freedom of Information and Data Protection (EAID), talked about how the general data protection regulations and rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) will influence transatlantic data transfers. He declared that the responsibility for security lies on both sides: “If we as Europeans urge the US on privacy, we also have to respect data rights.” Just recently, the Safe Harbor agreement that regulates the data transfer between the EU and the USA was declared invalid by the CJEU. This might have great effects on tech companies that operate in both regions. In the following panel Peter Schaar, Dr. Rolf Reinema from Siemens Corporate Technology and Jovan Golic, EIT Digital PST Action Line Leader discussed ‘How to prevent a clash of privacy and security cultures’. Jovan Golic stated, “Without trustful privacy solutions you can not establish real cyber security.” Especially, in the course of the current debate about international regulations, such as the Safe Harbor agreement and the growing footprint of cyber security start-ups, trustful cyber security solutions have a high demand on the market.

Passwords are out of date

The panel was followed by a keynote of Bernd Kowalski, German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), about ‘The Importance of Secure ID &Trust Services’. Bernd Kowalski commented, “Passwords are out of date”, which shows that new solutions must be put in place. The following panel with Bernd Kowalski; Prof. Claudia Eckert, Fraunhofer AISEC; Sandro Etalle, Prof. Uni Twente & Eindhoven and Oliver Winzenried, WiBu Systems discussed ‘The Triple Helix View on Privacy, Security & Trust’. It provided an overview on how the three stakeholders politics, industry and start-ups need to collaborate. Still 100 percent security can never be provided stated Oliver Winzenried. An intense discussion followed regarding the question, if we need security by design or by default. Security by design would mean that software would be made to be secure and user friendly, without necessarily reaching the highest possible level of security. Security by default includes the most possible secure configuration. The panellists did not come to a joint conclusion.

The afternoon was dedicated to the activities of the PST Business Community, starting with an introduction by the Business Community Activity Leader Dr. Wolfgang Kniejski on the 2015 activities and achievements such as previous successful business matchmaking events and business opportunities created. Afterwards a selection of 11 start-ups from the PST Business Community pitched their businesses, followed by a matchmaking session for all attendees to discuss technology demands and offers and a networking dinner. 

Overview of start-ups

Bizinnov * Chino * Cleafy * Crowdee * CryptTalk * Guardsquare * Keit * Qkey *

 Security Matters * Sentryo * SolidShield

All the results of the PST Business Community can be read in the PST booklet downloadable here. Moreover, we invite you to save the date for the PST Business Community end of the year event together with the PST Idea Challenge final in Trento on November 18-19, 2015.

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Co-Funded by the European Union