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EIT Digital to highlight digital infrastructure as key driver for Europe's digital transformation at Internetdagarna

EIT Digital, Europe's leading open innovation organisation, will highlight ground breaking initiatives, new opportunities and tough challenges relating to digital infrastructure, the core driver of Europe's digital transformation, at the Internetdagarna conference in Stockholm, Sweden on November 21-22.

On the first day of the Internetdagarna conference (Monday, November 21) EIT Digital will host the popular "Infrastructure driving digital transformation in Europe" session.

"Digital Infrastructure is a key focus for EIT Digital. It enables and drives Europe's digital transformation by providing secure, robust, responsive and intelligent communications and computing facilities", explains Henrik Abramowicz, the Digital Infrastructure Action Line Leader at EIT Digital.

"How can we protect our sensitive data and data privacy and integrity in Europe? How can we ensure that networks and applications crucial to vital societal functions always work? How can we make the marketplace for Internet of Things become less fragmented and at the same time, introduce more standards in order to develop new solutions and new business opportunities? We'll be looking to answer these and other questions in our session", Abramowicz says.

During the two days of Internetdagarna, EIT Digital will also present and demo a number of its own innovation activities including:

Trusted Data Management with Service Ecosystem. EIT Digital is working to accelerate the European trusted cloud and this drive took a major step forward when European cyber security provider F-Secure, implemented an interface produced in this EIT Digital innovation activity to rout out malicious content in cloud platforms. (Read more:

"We have seen big digital transformations in cloudification, Internet of Things and European Union regulation. In this innovation activity we are creating the means to support European companies in adapting to new security and privacy challenges and enable better protection for their customers from cyber threats.", Mr. Markku Kutvonen, Director of External R&D Collaboration at F-Secure Corporation, and the lead of this EIT Digital innovation activity says.

(Mr. Kutvonen will be a panellist in the "European Trusted Cloud - secure and robust storage of data" discussion on Monday, November 21, starting at 10:30.)

ACTIVE (Advanced Connectivity Platform for Vertical Segments). The market for Internet of Things applications is fragmented with specialised solutions for communication, security and management. More standardisation and interoperability is required for the market to grow.

This innovation activity creates a connectivity platform where sensor systems are integrated into the general cellular network. The outcome is end-to-end (E2E) networks, which can be applied to a range of different sectors including e-health, smart buildings, avionics and transportation. The most recent outcome from this innovation activity is a new technology transferrable into avionics systems reducing the numbers of wire harnesses and pins entering the fuselage and compartments in helicopters and airplanes. (Read more:

"The technologies we're applying to avionics makes the system more efficient and reduces costs. This work has benefited tremendously from the ACTIVE programme which provided the perfect environment to turn our concept into a workable application", explains Maurizio Magarini, Assistant Professor at the Polytechnic University of Milan, Politecnico di Milano and the leader of the ACTIVE innovation activity. (Mr. Magarini will be attending Internetdagarna).

The Royal Gardens innovation activity - Solutions for mobile network capacity peaks. This activity looks at tackling the challenges in providing sufficient capacity on mobile networks at events such as large concerts or other gatherings with up to 1000 or 100000 additional internet users requiring mobile access. It was named after Stockholm's Royal Garden festival which was used as a test bed.

Direct-Air-to-Ground-Communication activity. This activity relates to providing seamless mobile access and connection on aeroplanes from take-off to landing. In addition to looking at technical issues, the work focusses on regulation, coordination and business models. (Read more:  )

Visit the Infrastructure driving Europe's Digital Transformation conference session:

Internetdargarna 2016 conference will take place at the Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre, November 21 and 22, 2016. The programme starts each day at 09:00.

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