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Trusted Cloud

In less than a month (Aug 30 – Sep 2), MyData 2016 conference in Helsinki brings together an international crowd of over 1,000 people from businesses, research community, civil society and government to shape the fundamentals of how personal data is managed globally.

The goal of the MyData 2016 conference is to find solutions to current issues such as people’s distrust towards digital services, privacy concerns, unsafe digital identification systems and government monitoring programs.

As one of the conference sponsors, EIT Digital will be showcasing its European Trusted Cloud High Impact Initiative, which provides companies and organizations with secure cloud services and solutions to gain greater control over sensitive and personal data.

As a part of the Trusted Cloud initiative, one of EIT Digital’s partners, Telecom Italia, has built My Data Store, which is a cloud based application enabling consumers to quickly collect their personal data from multiple devices and sources as well as manage and share the data in a controlled way.

In the Trusted Cloud Ecosystem, My Data Store provides invaluable opportunities for brands and 3rd party developers looking for building sustainable relationships with their customers. For example, the data that people choose to share with brands and retailers they trust offers retailers the ability to provide consumers with customized experiences and to deliver based on these experiences. And, the more services will be developed on the Personal Data Store platform and used by consumers, the richer the data collected will be - enabling new services and business potentials.

MyData 2016 conference is part of the global MyData initiative, aiming to give citizens the opportunity to manage their personal data that is collected by companies and governments from the data trails they leave behind them in their everyday actions.

MyData 2016 is organized by the NGO Open Knowledge Finland, a French think tank Fing (Next-Generation Internet Foundation), as well as Aalto University, the main partner Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communications

Find out more about My Data 2016 here

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Co-Funded by the European Union