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Göran Olofsson, EIT Digital Node Director Sweden

Göran Olofsson, EIT Digital Node Director Sweden

Gleechi Demo

Gleechi <a href="" target="_blank">Demo</a>

Aifloo SmartCare gives elderly and infirm people independence and security. It is the world’s first and only self-learning smart healthcare system.

Aifloo SmartCare gives elderly and infirm people independence and security. It is the world’s first and only self-learning smart healthcare system. Image credit:

EIT Digital was active in seminars and other activities during Almedalen Week an annual event taking place in and around Almedalen, a park in the city of Visby on the Swedish island Gotland. As part of our dissemination efforts, EIT Digital was profiled in the Swedish press Ny Teknik and Dagens Industri last week. For our readers who don’t understand Swedish, we’ve provided an overview of the interview below.

About EIT Digital in Sweden

The Swedish Node of EIT Digital is located in Kista. It's mission? "To encourage and accelerate researchers, companies and tech students in Europe to apply a business oriented and entrepreneurial mindset in their digital innovations," according to Göran Olofsson, EIT Digital Node Director Sweden.

"We run a pan-European Master School programme, locally with KTH as university partner, with the ambition to teach the next generation engineers to implement a business oriented mindset combined with creativity," says Olofsson. "Our industry and research partners provide complex challenges to the students who help create commercial solutions and sometime startup companies."

SME’s and startups get access to research, markets and finance

"European research and education has changed by the establishment of EIT and EIT Digital.

A growing entrepreneurial mindset and new exciting collaborations are evident," says Olofsson and gives the following examples:

Gleechi is a Swedish startup that has developed the best animated hand in the world which they at first presented as a gaming application. Via EIT Digital they are now in contact with a research institute in France and are exploring the opportunities to implement the innovation in hazardous industries (nuclear, mining) and rescue operations where robotic hands by remote are in demand.

Aifloo, another startup in our ecosystem is part of a project that together with partners from Ericsson and KTH as well as partners in Finland and Italy will create a generic platform for Internet of Things applications. The Active project will develop use cases in areas such as smart homecare, connected helicopters and smart buildings.

The many opportunities for exchange between creative people and developers of digital solutions is what drives EIT Digital’s acceleration of innovation in Europe.

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