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EIT Digital’s Action Line Health and Wellbeing kicked of its innovation activities 2016, last January. The Innovation Action Line Health and Wellbeing focuses on primary prevention areas. The strategy is that by detecting small physical and mental health issues as early as possible and tackle them by suitable lifestyle interventions, one can avoid larger health problems later. 

The priority areas are early detection and treatment of physical anomalies and early detection and treatment of mental deterioration. In these areas, six innovation activities will be set into the market this year. Next to this, as may be expected, business acceleration and empowering of entrepreneurial ICT talent stay clearly in the range of the Health and Wellbeing actions 2016. 

Special attention must be paid to the Health and Wellbeing Business Community's crucial role: a specific marketplace targeted on Health and Wellbeing. Where, on the one hand, research-based innovations and BDA-coached start-ups are marketed as suppliers of innovations, and on the other hand, potential early adopters of these innovations are invited as target customers of innovation. As such access to market and access to finance actions will be deployed to bring the suppliers and buyers of innovations together.

Health and Wellbeing Innovation Activities 2016

Most of the 2016 activities started last year with the challenge to bring it into market this year. The new kid on the block is Prindit. Here below you find an overview with links to the information, contact details and trailers.

Gamebus, a playful platform that offers social health games encouraging families, groups of friends, colleagues, … to stay active socially, mentally and physically in a personalised gaming experience. Started in 2015, this social platform is now available in the Google store. In 2016, the Gamebus will be exploited and pushed into the market by startup ‘Synergetics’.

Better nights, fresh days, an ICT solution to prevent sleep deprivation of young parents by monitoring baby's sleeping patterns and based on this give recommendations. The prototype has been developed and is after perfectionising, ready for the market.

Fit to perform, the High Impact Initiative that creates an ICT solution to make professional driving a healthier and safer occupation by means of a product service combination building on sleep and stress measurement in combination with truck and environment data. After a successful presentation at the 2015 Post Expo Event, the prototype will be showcased to the big audience at the 2016 IAA.

PRimary PRevention of cardiovascular diseases including early prediction of Atrial Fibrillation, shortly PRAF, offers an existing and proven professional method for the detection and monitoring of atrial fibrillation to the end-users with a 92.7% precision. In 2016, the product will be pushed into the market by the start-up InfarctProtect AG.  

CoacHing and cOntinuous blood pressure sEnsing (CHOOSE), is an unobtrusive device for contiguous validated blood pressure management and coaching to enhance a healthy lifestyle behaviour. The partners showed the prototype at the EIT Digital Innovation Day Eindhoven, last November. Watch it! As it will be pushed in the market!

Prindit Wellbeing, a platform to improve people's mental and social health at work through a cloud-based service. The service is rooted in measuring how people find meaning in their working activities and increase their innovative capabilities by a continuous and quick monitoring and feedback loop.

Contact: Jean Gelissen, Innovation Action Line Leader of Health and Wellbeing

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