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ITS World Congress is the world’s largest international congress for intelligent transport systems

This week, Copenhagen will host the 25th edition of the ITS World Congress and all the global leading digital players on Intelligent Transportation Systems will gather in the Danish capital for a few days. EIT Digital will be present in three Technical Sessions, with its Digital Cities Action Line Leader, Stéphane Péan, and with one of its Innovation Activity Leaders, Maxime Bricet, presenting disruptive innovations in the field of Urban Mobility.

The sessions will be the following:

  • “Towards seamless multimodal pay-as-you-go mobility.” Tuesday 18th, 15:30-17:00, Room Paris (B5 M4)

This session will reveal EIT Digital’s 2018 Innovation Activity Easy2Go, project that facilitates public transport use with a seamless, multimodal mobility service through a pay-as-you-go solution.

  • “BeCamGreen: the new advanced ITS solution to reduce the number of single occupancy car trips.” Wednesday 19th, 13:30-15:00, Room Turin (B5 M3)

In this case, the panel will present a 2017 project identifying the kind of vehicle and its number of passengers in a real-time, automatic and precise way.

  • “Smart parking supported by predictive analytics to ease city traffic”. Friday 21st, 9:00-10:30, Room Berlin (B4 M1-2)

To close the week, MyCarLot and its sustainable parking for cities and drivers will be introduced to the audience.

In parallel, an EIT Digital Accelerator supported scaleup T.NET will be exhibiting at booth X. T.NET provides infrastructures and engineering for innovation in the smart farming, smart mobility and intelligent transport systems fields, has joined the organization and will work closely with its network of business developers to foster international growth.

Stéphane Péan, Digital Cities Action Line Leader asserted: “EIT Digital is attending the ITS World Congress to globally disseminate its breakthrough solutions in the area of urban mobility.”

Maxime Bricet, Innovation Activity Leader at MyCarLot points: “We want to show all ITS attendants that nowadays, to drivers, parking often leads to frustration. Also, for businesses, parking availability is critical to success. If parking is difficult, all kind of interactions become less attractive for customers and employees. Through our Smart Parking product, we helo drivers finding the best parking possibilities available.”

During the exhibition, will present its Smart Road solutions, including Infrastructure Network, IoT Sensors and Cloud Services. Particularly, at ITS World Conference, introduces to the exhibition visitors its own monitoring solutions for road construction sites, critical infrastructure (such as bridge, galleries and viaducts) and WiFi in motion. "To be here as an exhibitor follows our growth process. Now it’s the right moment to light up our services and to meet main ITS players in the world. This event is just a starting point of an important events program: we want to talk with international markets where intelligent services application is already a reality”, says Italia's CEO, Francesco Mazzola.

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