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The 'MemoryLane' product is a feast of recognition. Source: NSD, Photo: Pär Bäckström

Memorizon, a startup that is part of the EIT ICT Labs Business Community 2015 and coached by the EIT ICT Labs Accelerator, won the Venture Cup North competition, and will now be competing in the national competition. The national Venture Cup is Sweden’s largest entrepreneur competition.

The hand that rocked the cradle of Memorizon, is the EIT ICT Labs Action Line Health and Wellbeing. In 2014, the activity Cognitive Endurance could further develop and test a mobile application for coaching and helping people to perform healthy behavioural changes to delay the onset of dementia. At the end of 2014, Health and Wellbeing, successfully rounded up the activity Cognitive Endurance. To bring this innovative e-health tool into business, the company, Memorizon AB, had been created.

Memorizon: the recognition

The award was accepted at Acusticum in Piteå in front of 80 people. Four winners were selected in different categories, each winner was awarded SEK 20 000. Of the four winners were also appointed an overall winner receiving an additional 80 000 SEK in the national competition of the Venture Cup.

Winning the North Competition, awarded Memorizon with SEK20 000. Memorizon is very proud to be awarded. Hence, the winning money makes it possible for Memorizon to further perfectionise the product for the consumer market. This autumn the product is expected to be fully completed and ready for the launch!

Memorizon, the company

Except that Memorizon is special to EIT ICT Labs by birth, the startup is unique because it provides an ICT-tool, based on recognized method to manage symptoms of cognitive impairment. The Memorizon solution improves the quality of life for people with mild dementia and people with autism. The main product of the company is a life logging system, which can be used by people to log their daily lives and help them discuss their life experiences. It makes it possible for (older) people to live longer at home and it saves money for the health care system.

Memorizon, the products

Memorizon products, MemoryLane and Bwell, can be used by people with mild dementia and people with autism to log their daily lives and help them discuss their life experiences. The system collects data through a camera worn by the user, which automatically takes pictures. Later, the images are analysed by a program that divides them into activities, and presents them to the user and carer in an organised manner.

The MemoryLane service helps users:

  • Increase their social involvement and engagement
  • Decrease isolation or depression
  • Increase their life quality

The Bwell product helps users:

  • Motivate increased physical activity
  • Increase their mental health and reduce stress
  • Decrease the chances to suffer from a range of chronical diseases

More product information is available on the Memorizon website.


Memorizon AB
Professorsvägen 23, SE-977 51, Luleå

Contact: Josef Hallberg:

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