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Sensative joins the EIT Digital Accelerator

The Swedish scaleup Sensative, a leading supplier of innovative solutions for the digitization of the physical world, has joined the EIT Digital Accelerator to boost the expansion of their technology and international growth.

There is a lot of buzz about smart cities, smart buildings, and smart homes. These markets can be combined into the generic concept of smart society, where the physical world is directly integrated into the digital world. It is the foundation for the future global society – on a larger scale to manage the challenges of a sustainable future for our planet, and on a smaller scale to improve life for the world’s citizens.

An important component in creating smart societies is the use of digital twins: a complete digital mirroring of cities or buildings, where all historical data, maps, 3D-models, and real-time data about physical states and events are combined. The digital representation of a physical objects allows to simulate forthcoming actions before implementing them, foreseeing potential positive or negative outcomes and changing the strategy beforehand where it is required.

The open IoT platform ‘Yggio’, developed by the Swedish scaleup Sensative, allows users to create the foundation of a digital twin by collecting data from various sources. Today most IoT systems are complete end-to-end solutions providing everything from devices to the cloud infrastructure and the related application. This creates a strong vendor lock-in effect and locks in the data that makes effective digitalization impossible. Sensitive’s technology makes the difference: Customers can integrate any sensor and any IoT / IT technology or supplier. Yggio normalizes the data and control commands to an easy to use open standard, making the models, services, applications and systems ‘technology neutral’. It acts as a horizontal integration layer between those sources and potential services.

The EIT Digital Accelerator will support Sensative to access new markets and gain international visibility. ”With its IoT sensors coupled to the outstanding supplier-agnostic management platform, Sensative is one of the most noticeable innovative companies within the smart city space,” says Fredrik Hanell from the EIT Digital Accelerator. “Sensative builds on a team with a strong engineering background and experience from leading Swedish telecom dominants, which is why global markets are inherent in its growth plans. We are thrilled to help accelerate their success within the EU and Silicon Valley.” 

“Sensative is proud to join the EIT Digital Accelerator. Their European ecosystem will help us win new customers, scale up internationally”, says CEO Mats Pettersson. “Everywhere we go we generate a huge interest and we need to scale-up our operation to meet the demands from our existing markets, as well as open up new to capture this open window of opportunity.”

Sensative’s Strips sensors set new standards   

Next to the Yggio platform, Sensative offers non-intrusive, no-maintenance sensors for digitizing states and events in homes, buildings, and cities: Strips. Unlike other devices in the market, the discrete Strips sensors blend seamlessly into the architecture of any room. They are completely weatherproof, dust proof and water resistant and operate flawlessly in extreme temperatures, making them the ideal choice for any application.  You can find them in use in private homes, as well as in the apartments of large property developers like Metrodom in Hungary.

Up to date Sensative has already sold 80 000 units worldwide and has just launched a new generation of products this year: Strips LoRa that set new standards for professional sensors capabilities. Featuring low power consumption, a long battery life and a sealed, robust design, they are easy to maintain as a custom battery lasts up to 10 years. Strips LoRa come in two different versions: as a multipurpose sensor, and as room climate sensor.

The main benefits of Strips are:

  • Technology made simple
  • Install & forget (10 years battery life)
  • Ultra-thin design for invisible mounting
  • Indoor or outdoor use

About Sensative

Founded in 2013, Sensative AB is a rapidly growing and award-winning tech company offering IoT solutions for cities and commercial property markets with a vision to empower people with smart technology. Sensative makes IoT technology accessible, affordable and usable for our customers & partners while keeping control, integrity, and security in their hands.

For further information

Twitter: @sensative
LinkedIn: @sensative
Facebook: @sensative.sweden

About EIT Digital Accelerator

EIT Digital Accelerator provides tailor-made growth support for European tech scaleups by helping secure international customers and raise capital. The Accelerator team comprises around 40 experienced business developers and finance experts operating from 16 cities across Europe, along with a hub in Silicon Valley. Since 2012, they have supported 300 startups who raised over €630 million in investment, with more than €100 million directly facilitated by the Accelerator. The programme was ranked 8th among the Top 20 Active Accelerators in the Global Accelerator Report 2016 by Gust.

Interested to learn more about the growth services of the EIT Digital Accelerator? Get in touch!

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Co-Funded by the European Union