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Audience and stage Eurocase

Diego Pavía, Bruno Revellin-Falcoz, Bertrand van Ee, Willem Jonker

Diego Pavia, Willem Jonker

Timber Haaker presenting 3Cixty

EIT Digital participated at the conference ‘Engineering Smart Cities of the future, last 2 November in Delft. As the theme indicates, the focus was on the influence that the digital industry may or will have on the behaviour of people in cities. The long term vision on the development of smart cities served as a starting point and base line. Central questions were: How can we find, develop and realise new, better and more exciting solutions for our future cities? The EIT Knowledge & Innovation Communities (KICs) were invited to shed a light on these questions from out of each perspective and expertise.

The event was organised by the European Council of Academies of Applied Sciences, Technologies and Engineering (Euro-CASE) and the Netherlands Academy of Technology & Innovation (AcTI), at the TU Delft. A big part in the programme was reserved for the KICs: in parallel sessions, on the exhibition floor and on stage.  

CEO’s on stage

The CEO’s of Climate KIC, InnoEnergy and EIT Digital got the opportunity to debate on the theme in a panel, before live audience. Of course EIT Digital CEO Willem Jonker joined the CEO panel. Topics that were discussed were for example energy usage in the cities. It has been discussed that we are able to reduce the energy consumption of mobile phone usage by 10% if we look more clever at existing infrastructures. We better use these in a more effective way by having smart algorithms operating on it. What is happening today is disruption through digitization in the sharing economy. Imagine the impact of robotics on the cities.  Imagine the impact of 3d-printing on the way we live.

The EIT Digital Parallel Session

The KICs delivered each a parallel session on the theme, and so did EIT Digital. Patrick Essers Director EIT Digital, the Netherlands, moderated the session. Here below you find an overview of the EIT Digital parallel session:

Hybrid Energy Grid Optimisation (HEGRID) by George Huitema (TNO)
Optimising smart grids over multiple commodities, such as electricity, gas and heat. A system to optimising grids has been developed.  George Huitema is one of the experts in smart energy grids.

Computational Optimisation for Smart Energy Systems by Eric Pauwels (CWI)
How do cities deal with energy? The need for intelligent energy management to keep supply and demand in balance is necessary. 

Intelligent outdoor lighting by Ruben Rajagopalan (Philips)
The Intelligent Outdoor Lighting Systems activity expands the extent of smart city applications by leveraging on advanced intelligent sensing platforms. Enable new data-driven innovations around public safety, mobility and environmental monitoring.  

Urban Life and Mobility

EIT Digital Action Line Leader Gilles Betis, Urban Life and Mobility, joined together with Timber Haaker. They presented 3 representative activities that hooked directly into the heart of the theme. Gilles Betis said: “there will be no Smart Cities if there are no Smart Citizens. It is you, it is me, it is all of us.” The examples that were shown: 3Cixty was presented by Timber Haaker and Flashpoll and ProtoWorld presented by Gilles Betis.

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