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The Concordia Horizon 2020 project

As part of the Horizon 2020 project Concordia, EIT Digital will build on its expertise in skills development and help the cybersecurity industry and its professionals, but also teachers, to be up to date on the latest trends and developments in the sector.

EIT Digital is a prominent partner of the Concordia consortium, the newly launched H2020 project in charge of piloting a EU Cybersecurity Competence Network, and leading the development of a common Cybersecurity Research & Innovation Roadmap for Europe.

As part of its contribution, EIT Digital will design and develop a packaged cybersecurity-specific methodology for the creation of new courses and/or teaching materials, specific to the needs of the different cybersecurity disciplines and of the involved industry. Based on the packaged methodology, new courses will be developed targeting industry mid-level management and executives, more specifically 3 nanoMOOCs and 2 microMasters.

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Co-Funded by the European Union