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A glimpse of the meeting at the Berlin co-location centre

A glimpse of the meeting at the Berlin co-location centre

Achievements of 2015 and expected outputs of 2016 for the innovation activities of Privacy, Security and Trust (PST) action line was on agenda of the two-day meeting/workshop that took place on February 2-3 at the Berlin co-location centre.

PST is one of the action lines driving innovation & entrepreneurship strategy of EIT Digital. According to the priorities set by the action line, the most promising research results, disruptive technologies and business strategies are selected from EIT Digital ecosystem and beyond each year through the Call for activities. They are “packaged” in Innovation Activities and start-ups with ambition to drive these innovations to succeed in world markets and become European success stories.

In 2015, PST action line addressed the growing challenges of data security and privacy by putting into practice innovative privacy preserving and secure information technologies to protect sensitive data and the privacy of individuals in the Information Age.

The innovation activities from 2015 presented results according to or exceeding the expectations. The outputs include also innovative business modelling and market analysis, demonstrating that the business impact can be achieved by putting to market either the innovative technology or, in most cases, the innovative privacy & security services adapted to various use cases based on the technology.

The main outputs of innovation activities 2015 are highlighted below:

  • Three new/improved launched services: Cadence for APT malware detection in network traffic (Reply, TNO, IMDEA), Freedome for mobile antivirus detection in addition to existing privacy & security features (F-Secure), and Mobile Hunter of Mobile Shield for detection and monitoring of rogue and malicious Apps in mobile markets (Reply).
  • Three new/improved pilot services: privacy-enhanced crowdsourcing mobile-based service of Crowdee (TUB, DT), privacy-enhanced crowdsourcing web-based service Starbytes (Reply, Deutsche Telekom, TU Berlin), and e-health service based FIDES ID management platform (Poste Italiane, Reply, ATOS, FBK, qKey).
  • Two working prototype platforms: HC@WORKS platform for privacy-preserving homomorphic cryptocomputing (CEA LIST, CNR) and FIDES for privacy-aware federated ID management with ID brokerage (Reply, Poste Italiane, ATOS, TNO).
  • Three privacy-preserving pilots of HC@WORKS for the use cases of e-health (CEA LIST, ATOS), intrusion detection in network traffic (CEA LIST, Thales), and security intelligence in social networks (Engineering, CNR).
  • Two new software technologies of Mobile Shield: for static & dynamic analysis of mobile Apps (UNI Trento) and for APT detection and sanitization based on secure hypervisor virtualization technology (TU Berlin).
  • One created startup: Crowdee for privacy-enhanced mobile-based crowdsourcing (TU Berlin).

In 2016 Privacy, Security & Trust action line is addressing eight innovation activities:

  • Engineering Privacy and Security in Crowdsourcing Environments along all Components: introduces privacy and confidentiality aware crowd- and expert services for crowdsourcing of confidential enterprise data.
  • Homomorphic Cryptocomputing @ Works (HC@WORKS): finalization of a unique ground-breaking software-only technology demonstrating the practicality of computing directly over encrypted data by means of homomorphic encryption, in the intendedly diverse industrial fields of e-health, cybersecurity and forensics, with market launch in 2016-2017 timeframe.
  • Federated Identity Management System (FIDES) – Phase II: finalization and deployment of an EU-wide platform for federated identity management, which may constitute a unified tool to access the EU Digital Single Market.
  • Personal Information Management Ecosystem (PIME): an end-to-end secure and privacy respecting health data ecosystem.
  • SecurePhone: a top-grade, HW-secured smartphone platform and product supporting biometric authentication and certified security.
  • Smart School from Pillars to Practical Experience: services for advanced school lifestyle via mobile devices, based on mobile digital identity, wearables and advanced connectivity, targeting secure payments, personal data management and accesses.
  • Smart Mobile APP Permission Management (SMAPPER): a novel technology and mobile App to let users understand and control what apps do on their mobile devices.
  • Vulnerability Analysis and Management for Open-Source Software (VAMOSS): tools and service for vulnerability assessment and risk analysis for applications that embed open-source-software.

Authors: Jovan Golic, Laura Meijere Cristanelli

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