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First year EIT Digital Data Science students are welcomed at TU/e
First year EIT Digital Data Science students are welcomed at TU/e

On 29th of September 2015, EIT Digital Data Science Master Students (entry TU/e) were welcomed by the academic staff of AIS group. Chair of AIS group, Professor Wil van der Aalst, and assistant professors Dr. Dirk Fahland, Dr. Boudewijn van Dongen, Dr. Massimilano de Leoni and Dr. Farideh Heidari (EIT coordinator) attended the event and answered the questions of students.

The students showed a lot of enthusiasms about the program and posed numerous questions about how to bring their knowledge to the market as future entrepreneurs. In an informal atmosphere, students had the chance to talk about their experience on living in the Netherlands as international students. At the end, the students were hosted by S-Karthik Kumar, the Chairman SCIFI -Student Committee for Internationals Facilitating Integration – and attended fun activities at the Study Association Gewis.

The event was in continuation of the master kick-off event at TU/e on 2nd September where students are welcomed by the Program Director of the Graduate Program- Professor Paul de Bra- and get informed about the study rules and regulations at TU/e. The students were also provided with more insights on the program structure courses in a presentation by the program manager, Dr. Farideh Heidari. Followed by a social activity at Gewis, the students had the chance to introduce themselves and get to know each other better and pose their questions in an informal atmosphere.

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Co-Funded by the European Union