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Willem Jonker, CEO EIT Digital

Willem Jonker, CEO EIT Digital

The 9th European Innovation Summit will take place during the week 27.11 - 1.12 2017 in and around the European Parliament in Brussels in the context of the first ever European Innovation Week.

Willem Jonker, CEO of EIT Digital will share the expertise of EIT Digital regarding impact of innovations and scaleups that focus primarily on customers in order to succeed. Europe has a strong history as foundry of ideas and innovations that changed many lives all over the world. The renown research institutes and universities the European innovation ecosystem fertilze the economies with groundbreaking technologies. But the challenge in Europe lies not in the development of innovations, but in economical growth.

"Innovation needs a stronger focus on customers than on investors. We need to think of different funding instruments than R&D" explains Jonker.

Willem Jonker will attend the Plenary Session on the future of Research and Innovation on Wednesday , November 29, 2017 at the European Parliament from 9:00 am to 12:30 am. There he will talk about the challenge of ‘Rethinking Funding and Financing of Innovation and Research in Europe’.

As a logical continuation of the first part of this session, EU commission will elaborate on facilitating funding and financing for European research and innovation activities in the years to come. What kinds of financial instruments do we need and do we also foresee blending of financial instruments to support innovation?

2017 is an important year for the future of innovation in Europe and preparations for the next Multiannual Financial Framework have started, part of which is the next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. At the same time, it is an opportunity to reflect on how Europe can innovate more intelligently by making better use of available knowledge and resources. Debates will focus on concrete solutions addressing major challenges for which Europe needs more innovations than ever.

The Plenary session at the ninth EIS (European Innovation Summit) takes up on the different aspects of the future of European R&I policies within the context of the development of Framework Programme 9. Starting from the challenge driven H2020, different perspectives will be discussed from the different stakeholder points of view, especially the Parliament, the Commission, academia and industry.

Key topics include the anticipated role and set up of the new European Innovation Council, will it become a separate pillar with instruments but without set objectives? What will that mean for innovation in Europa, will larger industry be involved or will it primarily concentrate of start ups and scale ups?

More information on the session

For more information on the 9th European Innovation Summit visit:

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