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Crowdfunding statistics

Crowdfunding statistics

Karens Grigorjancs

Karens Grigorjancs

Plugify, a startup for booking live music easily, has raised nearly €750,000 from 420 funders on, an European crowdfunding platform, in just a month. The figure is far more than the founders had dreamed of; their initial aim was €200,000 and last night the campaign ended achieving 373% of this funding goal.

Karens Grigorjancs, one of the co-founders of Plugify and graduate of EIT Digital Master School, said of the crowdfunding campaign. "We are extremely happy with raising this high amount of money. With this money we can hire more people, improve the product, invest in marketing & sales and extend sooner to Flanders."


On plugify artists, including singers, DJs, bands, guitar players or other music artists can create a booking profile which can be used directly by pub owners, wedding planners, event managers or individuals. The booking commissions are far lower than traditional booking agency charges. That’s why Grigorjancs has said Plugify is to booking agencies for live music, what Uber is for the taxi world. The company was founded in late 2015 and has been operational since spring 2016.


The first investments Grigorjancs and his co-founders will make will be hiring people. They need an ITexpert, a salesperson, an artist coach - to help the artists develop their profiles - some trainees and a growth-hacker - someone who can boost the sites growth with online marketing campaigns. The next marketing milestone will be at the Trouwbeurs op 8 and 9 October in Delft. "We have a podium where our artists will perform on both days", says Grigorjancs.

After finishing his BA in Computer Science at the Technical University Delft, Karens Grigorjancs choose to do gain a double master degree in ICT Innovation at the EIT Digital Academy. He studied one year at the Technical University Delft and the second year at Aalto Technical University in Finland.

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Co-Funded by the European Union