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Zoltán Balog, Minister of Human Capacities of Hungary

Zoltán Balog, Minister of Human Capacities of Hungary

Willem Jonker, CEO of EIT Digital

Willem Jonker, CEO of EIT Digital

EIT Digital Budapest officially announced today that it has become a full Node as of January 1, 2017. EIT Digital Budapest now has the same rights as the eight other European nodes of EIT Digital (Berlin, Eindhoven, Helsinki, London, Madrid, Paris, Stockholm and Trento) which offers great opportunities for Hungary as well as the CEE region in driving forward digital transformation across Europe. In addition, four new industrial partners - OTP, E-Group, MTA SZTAKI, evopro - are joining the Hungarian consortium.

EIT Digital Budapest was established in 2012 to help develop the Hungarian innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem. EIT Digital Budapest also contributes significantly to ARISE Europe, a programme designed to stimulate regional growth in EU countries where EIT Digital does not have a physical presence through one of its Nodes. The consortium initially consisted of two local universities - namely, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) and Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) - and their leading industrial partners: Ericsson Hungary and Magyar Telekom. The four new partners signing up today will join these established ranks.

Willem Jonker, CEO of EIT Digital said: "We are thrilled to open our Node in Budapest and continue to drive Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Hungary as well as the rest of Europe. We are also pleased to be the first Knowledge and Innovation Community of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology to set up full operations in Hungary."

Zoltán Balog, Minister of Human Capacities of Hungary said: "Hungary just became a full Node of one of the most significant European Knowledge and Innovation Communities. We are one of the top European digital countries."

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Since 2012, Hungarian partners of EIT Digital have participated in 19 Innovation Activities in teams with other European partners and EIT Digital's Business Development team has helped bring these products and services to market. In addition, scaleups like App-Ray, a mobile security analysis tool led by Hungarian CEO Zsolt Németh, have joined EIT Digital's Accelerator to gain support in accessing new markets across Europe.

László Wolf, the deputy CEO of new partner OTP said:
"OTP Bank is pleased to join EIT Digital as a partner to leverage this pan-European ecosystem. It is a great opportunity for us, as OTP Bank is the first bank ever to join this extensive network of over 130 top European corporations, SMEs, startups, universities and research institutes."

Mr. Wolf added: "We started to work on an innovation activity together with EIT Digital, Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Deutsche Telekom and Technische Universität Berlin last year. Its purpose is to introduce a new, disruptive, non-traditional financial service for SMEs to safely and efficiently perform financial and administrative tasks anywhere, anytime. This innovative service also supports cooperation between enterprises and the utilization of new business opportunities. The service will first be available for our Hungarian customers this year, but we would like to provide access to it to our customers from the CEE region later on as well."

Entrepreneurial Education

EIT Digital is also the European leader in providing online "blended" Innovation and Entrepreneurship education to raise quality, increase diversity and availability of top-level content provided by our partner universities, institutes and companies.

EIT Digital delivers a unique blend of the best in technical excellence and entrepreneurial skills and mindset to digital engineers and entrepreneurs at all stages of their careers. It trains graduates pursuing digital entrepreneurial education via the EIT Digital Master School, provides the opportunity for industry embedded, market focused doctorates via the EIT Digital Doctoral School, and ensures those already working within industry are able to keep abreast of current developments and use them to help their organisation innovate and succeed via the EIT Digital Professional School.

There are four EIT Digital master programmes available in Budapest. Students can study Software and Service Architectures or Security and Privacy at ELTE, and Digital Media Technology or Embedded Systems at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). EIT Digital Master School's Application Portal for the 2017/2018 intake is open until February 15, 2017. There are currently 31 Doctoral students in the EIT Digital Budapest Doctoral Training Centre receiving Innovation and Entrepreneurship training in addition to their regular doctoral studies.

Zoltán Horváth, Director of EIT Digital Budapest and Dean of ELTE's Faculty of Informatics said: "The decision to make Budapest a full node was influenced by the recognition of the added value brought by the Hungarian partners. For example, ELTE's high quality IT education that is built on traditionally strong mathematical foundations, and the success of the joint master and doctoral programmes."

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