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Ten start-ups have been shortlisted out of 29 applicants in the category Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). CPS enables software applications to direct interact with events in the physical world. The physical world merges with the virtual leading to an Internet of things, data and services. The CPS finalists will pitch their ideas on 4 December in Paris, France, in front of a pan-European expert jury consisting of industry experts, investors, entrepreneurs and business accelerators.  

The finalists are:

Gleechi AB (Sweden)

Gleechi has developed the first software solution that makes it easy to animate hands that can move and interact freely and realistically.

ViVeTech Ltd (Hungary)

Manufacturing industries in developed countries face problems of efficiency, quality and employee health. We solve these problems of humans and assembly lines with the help of our analysis software  sensors.

Cassantec GmbH (Germany)

Cassantec prognosticates future events, e.g. malfunctions or failures, based on advanced stochastic data analytics.

Airobot (Belgium)

Airobot develops independent safety components, specifically designed for drones, in order to make professional operations safe, precise and efficient.

Cohaerentia (Italy)

Multipurpose fibre optic sensor exploiting a universal hardware core and a software customized for predictive maintenance manifold demands.

key infuser (France)

Sales of Connected Objects is different from traditional distribution; it requires adjustments to capture customer's interest. Key infuser proposes an innovative demonstrator to simplify and accelerate Connected Object's sales in-store.


GSMC allow people to collaborate all over the world and work efficiently on interactive tables or blackboards.

Factor-E Analytics (Germany)

Factor-E is a cloud-based, plug&work shop floor and energy management platform for manufacturing.

UAVIA (France)

UAVIA  offers one-click aerial inspections and surveillance, from your desk. The technology enables total autonomous drone operation on field without any need for human intervention. – IoT and Drones finally united.

Toposens (Germany)

The revolutionary 3D-positioning algorithm enables the intelligent 3D sensor system of Toposens to capture its surroundings through ultrasound time-of-flight and converts the point cloud-data into a real time digital image.

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Co-Funded by the European Union