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The Health and Wellbeing Business Community, manages to be in the spotlight of major health events around Europe: one of these events was the Health and Care Innovation Expo 2015 in Manchester (UK). This event was hosted for the second year by National Health Service (NHS) England, and represented the main event in the health and care calendar of the UK. The exhibition and conference event could capitalise on the reputation for bringing together the people of the moment, with the industry and innovators that can, together, transform the NHS, now and for future generations. 

Outi Touijala, Activity Lead of the Health and Wellbeing Business Community, says: "We joined the Health and Care Expo 2015 to make our startups visible at the most important NHS event of the year, promote their brand and services and learn about the market. The companies that lined up in the event had a good catch with tens of leads to follow up.”

An ounce of prevention is worth…

EIT Digitals’ Innovation Action Line Health and Wellbeing aligns with the European H2020 objective to keep people at work for 2 more years and keep people living independently at least for 2 more years. The companies of the Health and Wellbeing Business Community provide solutions that fit in this ambition. Prevention is key driver in the strategy of the action line or as Jean Gelissen, Action Line Leader of Health and Wellbeing, says: “An ounce of prevention is worth at least a pound of cure.” 

The 8 companies that lined up at NHS were:
 Comftech (It)
 Finbiosoft (FI)
 Firstbeat (FI)
 Gymcentral (It) 
 Memorizon (Sw)
 Soma Analytics (UK)
 Tinnitracks (Ge)
 Quick Posture (SW)

See the after movie!

Meet the Health and Wellbeing Business Community

Want to shake hands with the Health and Wellbeing Business Community?  We make it easy for you. There are still 4 opportunities open this year to meet us face to face. Choose the date and block your calendar:

> SLUSH, Helsinki, Finland: 11 – 12 November
> Medica, Düsseldorf, Germany: 16-19 November
> Health Tech Event, Eindhoven, the Netherlands: 24 November
> Innovation Day, EIT Digital  the Netherlands, Eindhoven: 25 November

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