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EIT Digital Doctoral School student

EIT Digital Doctoral School student

EIT Digital Doctoral School student
EIT Digital Doctoral School student

The EIT Digital Doctoral School will host meetups in five European cities to showcase doctoral research on leading technologies for digital transformation in Europe. The meetups in Budapest, Paris, Rennes, Madrid and Milano will bring together doctoral students, industry professionals and academics to shine a light on the trends and future developments shaping digital Europe.

Every meetup will have a different theme. The Budapest event, for example, centres around the need for speed for the industry to be strong in a digital world. At each meetup, doctoral students talk about how their research addresses specific challenges relating to digital transformation. Industry partners from the EIT Digital ecosystem will forecast developments in their field of expertise and academic partners will address the educational needs of a digital Europe. 

The meetups will be inspiring, educational and, above all, interesting, promises David Oliva Uribe, head of the EIT Digital Doctoral School. “During these meetings we discuss the current state and future trends of different sectors in Europe and how industry and the academic world can contribute to making this digital future happen.”

The EIT Digital Doctoral School provides its programmes in collaboration with partner universities. In addition to academic research, EIT Digital Doctoral School students distinguish themselves from other PhD students by developing strong skills and competences in innovation, entrepreneurship and digital transformation leadership. This part of the programme is delivered by the EIT Digital Academy, in partnership with European Universities. By learning how to apply technology and research in a business context, the PhD’s can really contribute to tackling economic and societal challenges and help companies with their digital transformation.

Since 2016, the PhD programmes of the EIT Digital Doctoral School have primarily focused on Industrial Doctorates. Within an Industrial Doctorate, PhD students work on research assignments from industry. They benefit from continuous tutoring from this industry as well as academic supervision. 

The first meetup will be held in Budapest on 6 June 2019.

Here is an overview of upcoming meetups. Stay tuned for the exact dates and programmes.

  • 6 June - Budapest (Hungary)
  • 20 June - Paris (France)
  • 15 October - Rennes  (France)
  • 21 November - Madrid (Spain)
  • 4 December - Milan (Italy)

Anyone interested in the business application of academic research is welcome to take part in these meetups. If you want to come we kindly ask you to fill in the form to secure your seat. 

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Co-Funded by the European Union