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University of Edinburgh's Informatics Forum

University of Edinburgh's Informatics Forum

EIT Digital and The Data Lab host event to help Scottish innovation access pan European opportunities.

Academics, entrepreneurs and business leaders today will attend an event to highlight the opportunities for the growing Scottish digital sector. EIT Digital - Europe's leading digital innovation and entrepreneurial education organisation - is looking to work with dynamic scaleup companies, co-invest in projects to bring innovation from the lab to the market and also to deliver post graduate and professional digital education. The Data Lab is revolutionising Scottish industry in how it develops and applies cutting-edge analytics and data science - capturing new market opportunities, boosting productivity, and connecting experts.

EIT Digital UK Director, Dennis Moynihan commented:
"We are working with the best and brightest in the digital sector throughout Europe - including the growing ecosystem in Scotland. We're very happy to be working closely with the Data Lab to investigate opportunities to support them in their work. We want to use events like today's to widen our network and to talk to a wide range of potential partners about the opportunities to work together to support Scottish innovation and connect partners here with EIT Digital's pan European network."

The Data Lab CEO, Gillian Docherty commented:
"There is a fantastic appetite for innovation using data across Scotland and high demand for training and education to develop skills in data science. We are delighted to be working with EIT Digital to help scale The Data Lab's impact and provide a platform for Scottish businesses to access a significant European innovation network and funding opportunities."

The event was held at the University of Edinburgh's Informatics Forum.

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Co-Funded by the European Union