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On July 5th Jovan Golic has been nominated as Action Line Leader for Privacy, Security and Trust.

Jovan Golic has been doing research in cryptology and information security for about three decades, both with academic institutions and industry. He has contributed to the areas of stream ciphers and pseudorandom number generators including new cryptanalytic methods and design principles, true random number generation in hardware, secure hardware implementations of cryptographic algorithms, format- and syntax-preserving encryption methods, biometric authentication, statistical anomaly detection and intrusion detection, authentication in ad hoc networks, privacy-preserving user profiling, security in information-centric networks, and secret key sharing and key agreement protocols. He has published more than a hundred papers in prestigious international journals and book series and a dozen patents or patent applications. Currently, he is a Senior Technical Leader at the Security Lab of Telecom Italia Information Technology where he is involved in delivering services and product to the market.

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