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Dr Roland Clarke

Dr Roland Clarke

EIT Digital Summer School

EIT Digital Summer School

This coming summer, the EIT Digital Academy will be welcoming professionals at ten summer schools on digital transformation. This follows a successful series of pilot trials in previous years where professionals learned and collaborated with the EIT Digital Master School students. Now, Anders Flodstrom, EIT Digital Academy Director, says, "We want to offer all professionals this unique learning experience." The Summer School runs for either one or two weeks.

The Summer Schools are one of the ways EIT Digital wants to make Europe a leading player in the digital economy. Flodström states: "Digital developments force companies to constantly look for opportunities to keep up to date with the digital evolution and look out for innovative opportunities. Our Summer School offers our attendees the chance to master the digital way of thinking that companies need in order to be competitive."

Inspirational classes

For Dr Roland Clarke, CEO of an energy consultancy firm in Barbados, joining Master School students for two weeks at last year's Digital Finance Summer School, was inspirational. "I needed to learn more about block chain, how to use it for energy trading and how to manage technical people. The students, who have a technology background that I do not have, are a bonus of the Summer School. When we worked in groups, they elaborate more about the very high level lessons. Here, you will learn the skills to evolve your business using digital transformation."

Summer Schools

The two-week EIT Digital Academy Summer Schools are mandatory for EIT Digital Master School students between their first and second year of study. Spread across Europe, over 300 EIT Digital Master School students will attend the summer schools and take a deep dive into innovation and entrepreneurship. They will be exposed to the latest digital developments in their field and be inspired by respected keynote speakers. Attendees immerse themselves in real business case studies originating from EIT Digital's pan-European ecosystem of scaleups, industrial partners, university partners and research companies. ­­


This year, there are more places available for business learners, researchers and those working in industry to spend two-weeks on an intensive course to hone both their technical knowledge and ability to innovate so that they can take new innovative ideas back to their companies.

One or two weeks

New to industry this year is the choice of two options. Either they undertake a full immersion of technology and entrepreneurship for two weeks, or they choose to come only for one week. In the latter option, the professional student will focus on the theoretical part of a technology that is central to one of the ten summer schools.

Digital Transformation

Each summer school is organised within the EIT Digital themes of Digital Wellbeing, Digital Infrastructure, Digital Finance, Digital Industry or Digital Cities. Besides the educational journey, these Summer Schools are also an opportunity to visit foreign cities as these Summer Schools are spread across Europe. The first school starts on 1 July and the last school finishes on 18 August.

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Co-Funded by the European Union