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EIT Digital, the leading European digital innovation and entrepreneurial education organization, has launched three new courses on the online education platform Coursera. The courses are: Embedded Hardware and Operating Systems, Automata and Behavioral Equivalences, and Architecting Smart Internet of Thing-Devices.

EIT Digital’s three new online courses are part of the Internet of Things through Embedded Systems program, explains Martijn Klabbers, Online Education Activity Lead at EIT Digital and Project Developer and Manager at Eindhoven University of Technology. “These courses provide students with the cutting edge knowledge on Internet of Things and Embedded Systems. If you can complete these courses you have the capacity to become a Master in Embedded Systems. Generally, such a Master degree gives you access to world-renowned companies like ASML, NXP, Philips, Siemens, Nokia, etc.”

Fundamentals of Embedded Systems

Automata and Behavioral Equivalences is, according to Klabbers, a more theoretical course on system behavior with the aim to validate systems. Embedded Hardware and Operating Systems deals with the basic embedded systems on hardware and operating systems and the foundations of the embedded systems and Internet of Things in general.

Internet of Things

Architecting Smart IoT Devices is the last of three 'introduction to Internet of Things' courses which EIT Digital, developed in cooperation with iMinds. Architecting Smart IoT Devices and Software Architecture for the Internet of Things were launched earlier this summer. Together these courses provide the practical introduction of Internet of Things and can be used as a foundation for the other more technical and academic courses.


To enroll into these courses is possible until 18 August. After this date enrollment is repeated every six weeks. The courses are for free. Only if you want to have a certificate the costs are 50 euro per course. Certificates can be asked when applying for the on campus program of EIT Digital.

European universities were actively involved in developing these courses. Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is one of the partners. Participating in the development of these courses means for the TU/e according to Klabbers “the opportunity to demonstrate, and not only tell about, our excellence in education and to improve our reputation.”

Blended learning

Klabbers says that EIT Digital’s online education portfolio can be used as part of blended education settings, in both Master and Doctorate programs, and for professionals it is also a way to update their knowledge. Blended learning means that courses are given online and in classrooms. This way of learning is used in the EIT Digital’s Master School, where students can achieve a double degree master with an EIT Digital label.


The courses on Coursera are offered by more than 140 institutes, like Stanford University, Princeton University, Eindhoven University of Technology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Sapienza University of Rome, University of London, and Lund University in Sweden.

EIT Digital expects to launch more courses on Coursera in the near future.

Earlier EIT Digital offered courses on Coursera in cooperation with universities:

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