News Archive

October 5, 2017

EIT Digital offering welcomed at The Hague Cyber Security Week 2017

September 28, 2017

EIT Digital Master School kicks-off in Helsinki

September 27, 2017

The EIT House, a cross-EIT KIC activity led by EIT Digital, officially opened

September 20, 2017

#Alzheimer - EIT Digital innovation activity ELEMENT showcases through its start-up 'ki elements' its first prototype: DELTA

September 19, 2017

Furhat Robotics, an EIT Digital Accelerator Alumnus, raises $2.5m to grow team and expand business collaborations

September 18, 2017

EIT Digital announces first commercial application of SIOTAD activity

September 14, 2017

Belgium's Cloudalize joins EIT Digital Accelerator to drive cloud-based workspace growth

September 12, 2017

The Energy Intelligence 4.0 Industry scaleup METRON joins EIT Digital Accelerator

September 12, 2017

Retrofitting industrial machines with IoT board to measure their performance

September 11, 2017

#ARISEEurope Interview #2: Scaling up from Czech Republic

September 11, 2017

Capiche, the Smart Assistant for Refugees

September 8, 2017

EIT Digital Master School kicks-off in Helsinki

September 5, 2017

EIT Digital Social SenseMaking service assesses causes and effects of web chatter

September 4, 2017

EIT Digital Rapidly Deployable Networks delivers its first customer solution

September 1, 2017

EIT Digital alumnus Vulog raises $20 Million

September 1, 2017

EIT Digital Challenge 2017 launches to scale-up Europe's best digital tech companies

August 31, 2017

The best of European Tech Scaleups showcasing at SEC2SV 2017

August 31, 2017

EIT Digital to boost sustainable mobility and reduce traffic jams with BeCamGreen

August 28, 2017

"I wanted a fresh perspective and methodologies on retail innovation."

August 23, 2017

Meet our students: Thomas Langerak

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Co-Funded by the European Union