News Archive

May 22, 2017

New board elected for EIT Digital Alumni

May 18, 2017

EIT Digital PhD graduate has 'sixth sense' for innovation

May 15, 2017

New EIT Digital Activity set to provide businesses with more flexible, cheaper energy management

May 12, 2017

EIT Digital Accelerator Alumnus Wellmo raises €1.3m funding

May 11, 2017

Recalling the SEC2SV experience: "We got in touch with the best"

May 11, 2017

PhD graduate working to strike the right balance between humans and technology

May 8, 2017

Mobile engagement pioneer Bookit joins EIT Digital

May 4, 2017

EIT Digital to give lone and remote workers digital lifeline

May 4, 2017

EIT Digital cybersecurity scaleups prompt great interest in Berlin

May 2, 2017

SEC2SV - for some it's all about getting that 'US state of mind'

May 2, 2017

EIT Digital appoints Gian Mario Maggio as Node Director for Italy

April 27, 2017

EIT Digital startup Prindit set to boost performance through workplace wellbeing

April 25, 2017

EIT Digital innovation to reduce costs of telecom diagnostic solutions significantly

April 21, 2017

Meet our students: Andra Lungu

April 20, 2017

Young people on the road to becoming safer drivers with EIT Digital's 'Ninja Riders'

April 18, 2017

Cloud4Drones platform enables live use of drone-collected data

April 13, 2017

EIT Digital Italy celebrates opening of first "Demo Room"

April 13, 2017

EIT Digital brings light to elderly people’s lives with BrightAgeing

April 11, 2017

EIT Digital launches "Robot IoT Interface" activity

April 11, 2017

New EIT Digital activity will allow companies to save time and reduce costs for quality checks in mass production lines

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Co-Funded by the European Union