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Two and a half intensive days of innovation, creativity and connection at ICT2013 in Vilnius, on November 6th- 8th

Almost 5000 participants attended ICT201 -  Europe's biggest digital technology event.

In Vilnius EIT ICT Labs participated to present its Outreach Programme 2014 that aims to empower ICT top talents and to bring together business, researchers and academics in the EU countries not directly connected to EIT ICT Labs. 

In the EIT ICT Labs Networking Session: Educate & Innovate: EIT ICT Labs' Outreach Strategy participants received an insight into EIT ICT Labs, the Outreach programme and its activities for 2014. The session was opened by Prof. Dr. Martti Mäntylä, CSO EIT ICT Labs, followed by presentations from Marko Turpeinen, Node Director Helsinki, Zoltan Horvath, Director of the EIT ICT Labs Budapest Associate Partner Group, Fabio Pianesi, Research Director EIT ICT Labs and Udo Bob, Node Director EIT ICT Labs Berlin. The topics covered an overview of EIT ICT Labs Outreach programme 2014, followed by opportunities for students and educators, entrepreneurs, startups, SMEs, researchers and innovators.

“The long-term objective of EIT ICT Labs is to drive European leadership in ICT Innovation for economic growth and quality of life” said Willem Jonker, CEO of EIT ICT Labs. According to Mr. Jonker “We can only perform this with the talent and experience from countries in the EU”. 

Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania Evaldas Gustas visited the stand of the EIT ICT Labs, where Willem Jonker presented to the Minister the objectives of the organisation and the Outreach Programme 2014. Apart from Lithuania the programme is focused also on Poland, Czech Republic, Latvia, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Slovak Republic.

Mr. Jonker together with Roberto Saracco, Node Director of Trento, Italy, also presented the vision of EIT ICT Labs on future opportunities and promises of current technologies in the framework of the panel discussions of ICT 2013 entitled ‘A journey into 2050's futures and policy challenges’ and ‘Unleashing the potentials of Future Internet & Cloud Computing towards a digital single market’. EIT ICT perspective on how to improve the quality of everyday life via ICT enabled technologies in the area of health & wellbeing was presented by Fabio Pianesi, Research Director.  

Participants at the ICT2013 could also learn about the Innovation projects that are developed with support of the EIT ICT Labs. Satin activity: ‘Eco-systems for user-generated mobile apps’ was presented by Jan-Olov Johansson from the Luleå University of Technology, Centre for Distance-spanning Technology, Sweden.

In the Students’ Corner, upon invitation of the European Commission was presented the project “Predicting Crime from the Mobile Network Activity” that is lead by the EIT ICT Labs Doctoral School student Andrey Bogomolov. 

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Co-Funded by the European Union