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With boat, beer and BBQ EIT Digital, Bitkom and Init invited startups and investors from all over Europe to use the unique chance to pitch on a boat on the river Spree in Berlin on July 16th. The satellite event took place parallel to the Tech Open Air Berlin and was joined by more than 130 participants. Udo Bub, Node Director in Berlin welcomed the guests and presented EIT Digital and its goal to foster digital technology innovations in Europe.

16 startups pitched in front 13 investors during two boat rides. Wind, waves and the Berlin sun provided a challenging environment. The startups were given 2 minutes each to present their business model and convince the investors of the successful route they have chosen. Among the startups that applied and pitched were the Idea Challenge 2014 winners 3YourMind, ICE Gateway as well as Task36 that are all coached by team of the EIT Digital Business Development Accelerator.

Parallel to the boat-pitches the other participants from startups and industry enjoyed the international atmosphere and discussed business opportunities on the nearby rooftop. 

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Co-Funded by the European Union