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Spend two vibrant entrepreneurial weeks at any of the 9 upcoming EIT Digital Summer Schools!

The two-weeks long Summer Schools are prominent educational events in EIT Digital's front running education experience: they provide meeting places for students, researchers and business people, they offer opportunities to get inspired and to be exposed to new developments, and they have a strong Innovation & Entrepreneurship component in a learning-by-doing approach.

This year EIT Digital offers 9 thematic Summer Schools organized by the Master School at the 7 EIT Digital Nodes, where most of the time is devoted to a business plan development project and to thematic presentations, company visits, and social activities. So, the summer schools do involve two weeks of intense project work with almost no leisure time, but still a lot of fun.

These events are open to all students who are in the EIT Digital Education Programmes but in 2016 there are 150 available places to external students (who are not enrolled in EIT Digital) for a participation fee of 250 EUR. In addition to that costs approximately 1300 EUR is estimated for lodging, catering and travel within Europe.

Scholarships are available for students coming from a subset of European countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Croatia, Malta. Please indicate your citizenship. The scholarships are granted on a first come first served basis.

Short overview of the events:

Future Cloud and Big Data
Stockholm, June 27 - July 9

The goal of this summer school is to teach advanced topics related to algorithms and platforms for Big Data as well as to enhance the innovation and entrepreneurial awareness. The theme of the summer school is Big Data focusing on business, value chain, technology, safety and security of the future cloud. This will be introduced through lectures, workshops, public seminars, and hands-on supervision. Through the two weeks you will work in teams of two to four students on problems that will be initiated by leading European companies working on Big Data.

Future Networking Solutions
Stockholm, August 1-13

The topic of the summer school is internet of things as context of the other two focus areas: all “things” will be connected through wireless access to software-defined and virtualized networks that provide communication services with security, quality and reliability for cloud-computing resources. The school will give the students an understanding for how FNS technology areas may impact and enlarge the market and industry for communication systems and services. We help the students to recognize values and opportunities that emanate from the enabling properties of the technology. And most importantly, we want to inspire them to consider technology and business together.

Health and Wellbeing I
Eindhoven, August 7-19

In the summer school the HWB theme will be introduced through lectures and workshops on life style trends, and on ways to assess, measure (“quantified self”) and promote fitness and mental wellbeing. The emphasis is on developing a value proposition and the associated marketing strategy & business plan. The first week will introduce the topic of health and wellbeing and will explore the trends in the western world and developing countries that form a hazard for our health and wellbeing, and what it will take to reverse these trends. The second week will explore the marketing and business aspects. We pay a visit to innovation labs and incubators and we will explore different aspects of venturing and starting your own company.

Health and Wellbeing II
London, July 31 - August 12

The same as in the Eindhoven summer school, the HWB theme will be introduced through lectures and workshops. Companies and start-ups of the Health and Wellbeing Business Community will provide the lifestyle oriented cases. The emphasis is on developing a value proposition and the associated marketing strategy & business plan. We pay a visit to innovation labs and incubators and we will explore different aspects of venturing and starting your own company. There will be presentations by several high-tech start-up companies and you will be able to meet and discuss your ideas with young entrepreneurs.

Privacy, Security and Trust
Trento, June 26 - July 8

A significant part of the programme will be dedicated to team building and business and pitch coaching. Already in the first week, the students will learn how to interact with one another and how to draft a business project working together in a team. The second week will then focus on drafting the business plans and preparing the pitch presentations by the team work, under the guidance of experienced business tutors and lecturers. The main objectives of this summer school is to demonstrate the importance of data security and privacy for ICT applications in everyday life and work, to point out the market needs and business opportunities in the area, teach the students how to transform the gained knowledge into innovative business ideas and turn these ideas into concrete business proposals and coach them how to present the pitches to investment companies.

Smart Energy Systems
Karlsruhe, July 25 - August 5

The goal of the Summer School 2016 is to create business ideas in the area of Smart Energy Systems and to develop them to a concrete business model which improves the efficiency of tomorrow’s energy supply or usage. In order to fight climate change there must be a change from burning fossil energy resource to continuous increase the share of renewables. Every business idea has a starting point. During our Summer School you will learn and practice the design thinking approach. Participants will simulate the process of creating and developing their own business ideas, evaluate them and define products and services, as well as their business model and unique value proposition. A particular emphasis will be on the practical application of the business model generation.

Smart Spaces
Helsinki, August 8-19

The Smart Spaces Summer School aims to bring students for two weeks together to work in groups on business development process and business cases for Smart Spaces. The theme of the school is “Retail innovations in an omnichannel world and service innovations in smart building”. The Summer School program consists of focus-lectures of academics and practitioners, project work, customer interviews, site visits to companies, and socializing events. During the two weeks, students are confronted (i.e. meet in person) with involved stakeholders such as companies, researchers, business people, start- ups, customers, etc. The theme related lectures, keynotes and visits will be interleaved with project work.

Urban Life and Mobility
Paris, July 11-22

The summer school will address keys issues for smart cities including mobility, citizens and governance collaboration, city planning, urban data economy. Next to technologies used to solve these needs, the summer school will address associated societal issues, including collaborative behaviors, new mobility usages, citizen empowerment and governance, urban planning, building trust in ICTs, rewards and incentives, cities resilience, inclusion, evolution of collective representation of urban environment. From a methodological point of view, special courses will cover innovation and prospective. International famous key players in technologies, methodologies, business and societal issues will do courses, guest lectures and coaching.

Cyber-Physical Systems
Paris, June 27 - July 8

The themes of the CPS summer school are three CPS areas, which are widely assumed to be major revenue drivers in the future Europe - autonomous driving, smart cities and medical devices. The school will focus on the multi-disciplinary knowledge and skills required to operate within these areas. Participants in the summer school will learn to apply the state of the art and best practices currently available techniques in design, analysis and deployment of CPS. Course seminars, lectures and tutorials will be led by experts from the field. Moreover, business coaching will be provided throughout the summer school.

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Co-Funded by the European Union