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Parents to children with reduced comprehensive ability (diagnoses such as autism, Down syndrome and ADHD) need cognitive support to make life easier and more stimulating for their children. With the help from image-based schedules and a digital diary, Picture My Life provides a better way to coordinate children’s daily life and activities. At the Startup ICT 2014 program finale, Picture My Life was awarded 10 000 SEK for their innovation.

Picture My Life’s platform has three integrated cognitive devices: an advanced schedule based on images; a diary that will serve as a communication channel between the child’s home, school, relatives and support staff; and a forum providing advice on practical solutions and cognitive devices.

The idea is sprung from personal experience, one of the company owners have a son with Down syndrome.

Our service will provide structure in everyday life and facilitate communication for children with reduced comprehensive ability and their families. The platform will be engaging, inspiring and encourage communication, says Lollo Andström, one of the founders of Picture My Life.

14 innovative business ideas with a large international growth potential were presented at the conclusion of the Startup ICT program, a practical workshop series for entrepreneurs offered and organized by STING and sponsored by EIT ICT Labs and KTH Innovation. Two of the entrepreneurs from Picture My Life, Lollo Andström and Maria Skantz, were awarded 10 000 SEK for their innovation. The team also consists of Lisa Lidgren and Yvonne Malmström Grimme, CEO.

"To win first price in the Startup ICT 2014 is a wonderful recognition of our idea and inspirational for our team! We have just started the programming of our platform and plan to have a first version ready for our pilot users in mid-January 2015. We are also looking for more funding to speed up the development of the platform," says Lollo Andström.

According to statistics from Socialstyrelsen in Sweden there has been a dramatic increase in the numbers of neuropsychiatric diagnoses in recent years. The owners estimate that about 37 000 children, their parents, relatives and schools are potential users for the cognitive devices.

The jury for "The best startup" consisted of Martin Gemvik, Industrifonden and Sting Capital; Tomas Jonsson, Almi Invest; and Christina Bendz, SU Innovation. The jury’s motivation read:

"With a crystal clear presentation, a well-defined need, and obvious benefits, both individual and social, Picture My Life will improve the lives of thousands of children and their families."

"The Startup ICT program has provided us with many practical and useful tools that will enable us to move forward with our project. It has also been great to meet other startup-teams and exchange experiences," says Lollo Andström.

Startup is a practical training program for those who want help to formulate and sharpen their business model and create a good platform to potentially start a business. The program consists of five workshops and is based on the Business Model Canvas, a strategic and visual template for the development of business models. Theory is intertwined with practical training, and experienced entrepreneurs and experts have shared their knowledge.

Read more about Picture my Life

Article and photo: Sting

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