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EIT Digital Master School students

EIT Digital Master School students


David del Val, President and CEO of Telefonica R&D and Silviano Andreu, Head of Minsait of Indra are keynote speakers at the Graduation Day of the EIT Digital Master School. From this day, more than 200 graduating students can enter the market as new entrepreneurial information technology innovators.

Del Val will focus his speech on what the position of the students will be in society and which challenges they might encounter. Andreu will elaborate on his view about the current state of digital transformation as it is today. That will be the state that the graduates will find when they start their careers.

Besides these two keynote speakers and prior to the official presentation of the graduation ceremony, three current and former students of the EIT Digital Academy will tell the graduates about how their life might look after graduation. Ana Gonzalez, is during the second year of her Masters education, already CEO of a newly started company called App’ero that she started with fellow EIT Digital Master School students. Xiapeng Li, former EIT Digital student and now product manager Strategy & Product Development of the Telia Company in Norway tells about his career steps. Finally, Dr <link newsroom news article eit-digital-phd-graduate-has-sixth-sense-for-innovation>Julia Wache who studied at the EIT Digital Doctoral School is informing the graduates about her experience on how she came, during the Doctoral School programme, to co-found a company called FeelSpace.

The upcoming graduation day is the fourth such annual event in the EIT Digital Master School. Since 2012 the EIT Digital Master School has been training professionals in state-of-the-art technical excellence in key digital technology areas, combined with a strong orientation in innovation and entrepreneurship. There are eight Master School programmes students can choose to study. The Master School works together with 17 leading technical universities in eight countries, and research and industry partners across Europe.

Telefonica website

Minsait website

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Co-Funded by the European Union