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Next Level Audiology - Sonormed and Fraunhofer talk about the future of hearing at Tech Open Air (TOA), one of Europe’s largest tech conferences: 

On July 15 -17, Sonormed, the company behind Idea Challenge 2014 winning product Tinnitracks, and EIT Digital partner Fraunhofer have just put a spotlight on a market that is under the radar for most people but is nevertheless huge and about to be turned upside down. They delivered an eye-opening speech on the current situation, the challenges and opportunities the audiology market is defined by. Jörg Land, founder and CEO of Sonormed, and Dr. Jens Appell, Director of Fraunhofer IDMT-HAS demonstrated what state-of-the-art technology can offer today and why they joined forces on stage as the new player for the development of next generation hearing solutions. Fraunhofer IDMT-HAS represents excellence in audiological research while Sonormed bings in strong partnerships, e.g. with EIT Digital and Sennheiser.

The joint speech delved into the large supply gap in treating hearing difficulties and the huge potential software solutions in this field provide compared to hardware solutions. Global trends like aging populations and the search for new revenue streams in consumer electronics drive the market and provide new challenges to established players. Sonormed has lived through and evolved with this and sets an example with its very own way of entering a restrictive market with a new technology and as a certified medical product. 

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