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The Technical University Eindhoven signed the Cooperation Agreement defining the EIT ICT labs Doctoral School on Innovation. This means that its PHd's can subscribe for the Doctoral School Programme. 

The goal of the EIT ICT Labs Doctoral School is to develop the ICT Innovation concept where doctoral students are offered the opportunity to acquire a mindset for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E). After graduation, these doctors will be research leaders who understand current and future business challenges, as well as the opportunities that these present to industry. To achieve this goal, the EIT ICT Labs Doctoral School organises an I&E education that complements the ordinary doctoral studies. Enrich your doctoral degree with an innovation and entrepreneurship mind-set and apply!

Information on the EIT ICT labs Doctoral School and its programme has to be found on the website:

Contact at the TU/e: Prof. Mark van den Brand  

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Co-Funded by the European Union