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Over 20 students studying Computer Science participated in the event organised by EIT ICT Labs Budapest Associate Partner Group (BAPG). The event which took place on 19 February 2015 at the Budapest CLC focused on presenting the values and the advantages of an international IT MSc programme.

One of the main goals was to show to the students why it is worth to continue their studies and get an MSc degree instead of starting to work full-time after BSc. Despite the fact that IT students can easily find a job even without a BSc degree, it is highly recommended to continue studying and getting an MSc degree. It was proved by the HR expert representing Monster, which is one of the leading job portals in the country, that employees with an MSc degree and/or with an international working experience have much better chance long-term to get more challenging and creative jobs than those who have only BSc degree. It was also showed that the average salary of a fresh MSc graduate is 20% higher than that of a BSc graduate.

After the opportunities offered by the EIT ICT Labs Master School were presented to the participants, a former and a current EIT ICT Labs’ MSc student presented their experiences about the programme. They also gave some practical advices to the audience on how to choose entry university, courses, internship, etc.

Finally everybody had the chance to try the Virtuoso game which measures problem solving skills and defines a behavioural profile. The game was developed and presented by a successful Hungarian start-up called GraviTalent and it is refereed as the future’s HR tool.

For more photos of the event, visit EIT ICT Labs on Flickr.

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