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Digital Finance companies introduced improvements in many processes and services, such as open banking or invoice financing. Thanks to them, innovations such as instant payments or reduced time-to-cash for SMEs, became widely available.  However, there is still space for improvements, most notably in cooperation between Digital Finance and other financial, but also non-financial e-service providers, that might bring added value to end-to-end offerings.

The event will discuss open opportunities in two sessions: a first, in roundtable format, with a wider focus on building ecosystems, and the second, with several presentations, focused on technical solutions to interconnect previously separated services, where all stakeholders involved might profit in a win-win model.


10:00 – 10:30  Keynote talk: Antonio Garcia Hortal, Digital Finance Action Line Leader, EIT Digital

10:30 – 11:30 Roundtable “Towards business financing model through Open Banking”

Moderator: José María Casero Camacho, Area Director, Intrendia


·       Grègoire de Lestapis, CEO, Lendix

·       Iván Fernández Merino, CEO, SpaceWork

·       Joan Rovira, Partnership Management, Novicap

11:30 – 12:00 Coffee break

12:00 – 13:00 Presentation of solutions that support Digital Finance ecosystems

· Invoice Financing Hub for SMEs (Aljosa Pasic, Atos Spain)

· Invoice Factoring (Jorge Bustos, Finanzarel)

· OFION: Orchestration of Financial Services On-demand (Clara Pezuela, OFION Project Coordinator)

·       FinLab: Value ecosystem for Fintechs and financial services (Koen Pelgrims, FinLab Coordinator)

13:00 – 13.15 Questions and Answers

13:15 Lunch


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